Ranvijay Singh Rathore.Also called as Rana by his family(elder brother)
Age-28years old
Digvijay Singh Rathore
Also called as Adi by his family (younger brother)
Age-26years old
Samrat Vijay Singh Rathore
Also called as Sameer by his family(youngest brother)
Age-24years old
Aaryanka Singh Rathore.Also called as Aarya by her family Age-20years old.
Their sister
Vijay Singh Rathore (52years old)
Their Father
Mriganka Singh Rathore.Also known as Mriganka Sule before her marriage.(48years old)
Their Mother
Samragini Singh Rathore (72years old)
Their Grandmother
Shrinkhala Singh Rathore(50years old)
Their bua(father's sister)
Shritaanjana Singh Rathore known before as Shritaanjana Banerjee.Also known as Sanjana(25years old) ,Wife of Ranvijay
Sanobar Singh Rathore known before as Sanobar Sheikh Rahmani.Also known as Sana (23years old),Wife of Digvijay
Anantya Shankar Reddy (20years old),Fiance of Samrat later will become his wife as story proceeds
Farhad Haider:Royal of Hyderabad,like a brother to Ranvijay,Digvijay and Samrat.He left his royalty title for some reasons.He accompanies them in their business and other stuffs.He is like a son to Mriganka.
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